Implementation of Communication Activities (Activity nr.5)
This activity is focusing on the implementation of communication activities that are obligatory for the applicant.
During the project the following activities will be organized:
Major information activities:
Organization of opening conference, closing conference, conference at the end of restoration works. Realization of three main information events;
Media outputs:
We will publish 10 articles related to the project realization in print or online media: 2 short reports; 8 media articles;
Within the project we will work on regular update of municipality´s web page and we create a separate project web portal, which will be interactive, using SEO services and paid advertising via Google and connected to social networks. The site will be regularly updated with articles and photos from the project activities;
We will regularly update our website and at the same time create a separate website for the project. We estimate increase in number of web page visitors to at least 2000 per year. In 3 year-period this means 6000 visits of web page. For monitoring we will use free monitoring tools;
Promotional materials created within project:
For the project promotion we create the following materials fullfiling the publicity requirements: table calendar; information bulletin; brochure - containing the detailed information about the park and attractions for visitors.
New reports/studies/announcements published at own website:
In the created web portal we will regularly post the updates about project realization and we post at least fifteen articles to the project realization and individual cultural events that we will organize.
Materials summarizing achieved results of the project: At the end the project we create 1 summary publication to summarize the achievements;
Production of audio-visual Works:
We will produce one audio-visual work - video about project realization in chronological sequence.
Apart from these activities that will be organised within the project we will fullfil the publication measures and publication of information in line with Requirements for information and publicity according to the Annex 3 of the Regulations and Communication and Design Manual.
Time Schedule: 09/2021 – 12/2023; The implementation of Activity 5 will contribute to the following indicators: Annual number of visitors in supported cultural heritage sites, museums and cultural activities; Annual revenues generated by the restored monuments; Number of enterpreneurship strategies developed and implemented; Number of major information activities; Number of media outputs (reportages, articles in local, regional or national media); Increased number of website visits; Number of promotional materials created within project; Number of news/studies/announcements publlished at own website; Number of materials summarizing achieved results of the project; Number of audio-visual works created. Main entities involved in the implementation of the activity: Applicant The municipality of Lednické Rovne
Thank you
The „Renovation and Revitalization of the Historical Park in Lednické Rovne“ benefits from a € 999,789 grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA grants. The project has been co-financend from the State Budget of the Slovak Republic in the amount of 149,968 €. The aim of the project is to "To restore and revitalise pavements, hypodrome, to cut down some woody plants and planting of new onces instead. A new mobiliare and new rest areas will be placed in the Historical park in Lednicke Rovne. A local Museum of Glass will be renewed and International Glass symposium artworks will be set up within the park. Glass manufacturing and the historical park will be propagated".